Go sari (1982-) produces work that covers a broad spectrum of media, including drawing, installation, and video, and she takes an Pinterest and surrounding objects and spaces. Sun and Moon is a video work that portrays the repetitive motions of the sun and moon alongside the sounds of flowing water and blowing wind. Through the movements of the sun and moon, she visualizes the phenomenon of revolving and orbiting, and she creates a metaphor for the rhythms of the vast universe that humanity and habits. The artist suggests that the changing seasons depending on the movement of the sun are not simply calculated by units of time, such as days, months, and years. They constitute a rhythm of life that includes the cyclic life of nature. During the day, the moon cannot be seen. During the night, the sun cannot be seen. But viewers are reminded that the two clearly exist. It is the hope of the artist that “Much as a small seed hopes that the soil will soften through a process of the earth freezing and thawing, the individual winters will pass, and the time will come when the spring will give warmth and raise hope.”