Ulsan Citizens Charter

  • About Ulsan
  • Introduction
  • Ulsan Citizens Charter
Ulsan Citizens Charter

We the citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City recognize Ulsan as a city wherein its citizens have enjoyed prosperous lives since prehistoric times, its history of cultural development dates back to the Silla dynasty, its role as a strategic point is critical to national defense, and its standing serves as the mecca of modern industries.

We, embodying the majestic spirit of Gajisan and Sinbulsan Mountains, and manifesting the benevolent virtues of Taehwagang and Hoiyagang Rivers, are proud of being the citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City, an emblematic city of industrial and economic leap of the Republic of Korea.

With healthy bodies and sincere hearts, we will develop unique, creative skills and uphold household values based on love and filial duties. By creating a compassionate society where individuals help each other and respect humanity and intelligence, we will make every endeavor in becoming upright citizens, as we have inherited the proud spirits of our ancestors who were proud of our nation and its history.

We are proud that the sweat and effort we have poured in can be the driving force of our country's development. In this pleasant environment with well-preserved nature of the mountains and the ocean combined with urban and rural areas, let us make our city the central city in the Pacific Rim era, where industries and cultures harmonize together with prosperity and love for the heritage of our future generations.

(44675) 201, Jungang-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, Korea (Sinjeong-dong)Tel. +82-52-120

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